quarta-feira, 2 de julho de 2014

What is the most played game for PC currently?

On July 11 the American magazine Forbes has shown that most PC game currently played in the world is the League of Legends which although very new is winning thousands of people day-to-day with his style of play RTS

The game is now the most played in North America and Europe and is almost hitting the giant StarCraft II in Korea, in fact the League of Legends is a game that has come to stay.

Studies indicate that 14,5% of online game players play Leage of Legends, World of Warcraft is right behind with 8,56%.
Raptr Report (2013)

And here you can see how many this games are played (OBS: these are information 2011 - 2012)
                                                         The numbers are not including Asia.

                                                                v                           Game                   Hours Played in one year

Equipment system in Realm of the Mad God

Hello everyone! One more post about Realm of the Mad God!! This is our last post, enjoy!

Okay, the Equipment system in Realm of the Mad God is divided on Tiers. The beggining tier is T0. The last tier is T13 (only in Armors). Some items don't have a Tier, they are called UT (Untiered).

Knowing this, let's talk about types of equipments.

You have 4 types of it: Weapon, Ability, Armor and Ring. You start only with Weapon and Ability.

The weapon is your most important item, without it, you can't shoot and kill enemies. We have 6 types of weapons: Bows (Archer and Huntress)Bow of Covert Havens, Daggers (Rogue, Assassin and Trickster)Dagger of Foul Malevolence, Katanas (Ninja)Masamune, Staves (Wizard, Negromancer and Mystic)Staff of the Rising Sun, Swords (Warrior, Knight and Paladin)Sword of Acclaim and Wands (Priest and Sorcerer)Wand of Recompense.

The Ability is less important than the weapon, but it's still very important. It can heal you, deal damage to your enemies, paralyze them, etc. We have 14 types of Abilities: Cloaks (Rogue)Cloak of Ghostly Concealment, Helms (Warrior)Helm of the Great General, Orbs (Mystic)Planefetter Orb, Poisons (Assassin)Baneserpant Poison, Prisms (Trickster)Prism of Apparitions, Quivers (Archer)Quiver of Elvish Mastery, Scepters (Sorcerer)Scepter of Storms, Seals (Paladin)Seal of the Blessed Champion, Shields (Knight)Colossus Shield, Shurikens (Ninja)Doom Circle, Skulls (Necromancer)Bloodsucker Skull, Spells (Wizard)Elemental Detonation Spell, Tomes (Priest)Tome of Holy Guidance and Traps (Huntress)Giantcatcher Trap.

The Armor gives you defense and sometimes other attributes. We have 3 types of Armors: Heavy Armors (Warrior, Paladin and Knight)Abyssal Armor, Leather Armors (Rogue, Assassin, Trickster, Archer, Huntress, Ninja)Griffon Hide Armor and Robes (Wizard, Priest, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Mystic)Robe of the Elder Warlock.

The Ring can give you a lot of atributes, they are very important to improve your hunt. They can be used by all classes. We have 8 basic types of rings: Attack RingRing of Exalted Attack, DefenseRing of Exalted Defense, DexteryRing of Exalted Dexterity, HealthRing of Exalted Health, ManaRing of Exalted Magic, SpeedRing of Exalted Speed, VitalityRing of Exalted Vitality and WisdomRing of Exalted Wisdom. The UT rings usually give you more than one attribute, giving you 8 in the maximumCursed Amulet of Zombification.

That's it! We hope you have enjoyed our Blog!

quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2014

Ways to get out of Rookgaard

You start a new character with just a jacket/coat, a club, a torch and a bag. If you start hunting monsters with these basic equipment you will get into trouble very quickly and can die easily. To get going with your new character, it is necessary to equip the character properly. In order to do this you need precious gold coins.

When get lvl 3, you certainly have 100 gold coins, buy a shield and a sword, and go north of rookgaard. You will find too many spiders, here:

 Hunt there until level 6.

Now you can buy a shovel and better equips   

Now you can kill bug; snakes; wolfs and trolls until level 8.

 When you get level 8, go talk with the ORACLE OF THE DESTINY here:

He will teleport you to Island of Destiny, where you will choose a vocation (Sorcerer, Druid, Knight or Paladin) and train (if you're a paladin or knight). 

quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2014

Getting level 20 in Realm Of The Mad God

Hi there fellas! In this game: Realm Of The Mad God, you can only grow until level 20. After this, you can earn fame, but this is another thing. Well, in my opinion, the best class for leveling up and get some good items is the Wizard          .

It is the inicial class, it uses staff as a weapon, spell as a special power, robe for defense, wisdom, maximum mana and attack and a ring of attack.

The Wizard is so good because of its attack speed and damage on basic attacks. Even if you don't max the attributes, you can hunt alone and don't die. Its spells cause area damage in a circle, which is good to hunt in places with lots of monsters.

Here is a video of how a wizard may hunt:


Have fun in Realm Of The Mad God!

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2014

How to Farm under the Tower with Basic Attacks in League of Legends

Hey guys. I'm Lucas Filipy and I am going to give you some hints about League of Legends.

In this post, we'll learn how to "Farm under the Tower with Basic Attacks". Before anything, I should warn you that I think you have some base on this game. Things like how to move, how to attack and the classes. After this, we're ready for the tutorial..

When you're losing your lane, generally the enemy troops will be advanced and will start attack your Tower.

To farm under the tower is simple: 2 hits the tower in Minion Warrior and you  have to attack to kill him. 1 hit the tower in Mage Minion and you have to  attack to kill him. The priority of the tower is Minion Catapult> Minion Warrior> Mage Minion

The only problem here is: When you only have a Dorans Blade, your Basic Attack don't kill the Minion Mage after the Tower's Hit. The minions mages still stay with some life and you don't have time to attack him again, because your Tower will hit him. You don't have Attack Speed enough to Attack twice in  1,5 seconds (The Attack speed of the Tower). Knowing this, you have two options: Ask your support to Attack the Mage Minion before you (If you're an ADC) or Attack the Mage Minion once before the Tower's Hit and once after the Tower's hits.

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014

Hellooooo people! Welcome to our Blog! We have three members: Meeojo will write about Realm Of The Mad God; Lucas Filipy will write about League of Legends and Leonardo de Souza will write about Tibia.
This blog was created to help you guys with this games, we will post tutorials, hints, concepts, etc. Enjoy!