terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2014

How to Farm under the Tower with Basic Attacks in League of Legends

Hey guys. I'm Lucas Filipy and I am going to give you some hints about League of Legends.

In this post, we'll learn how to "Farm under the Tower with Basic Attacks". Before anything, I should warn you that I think you have some base on this game. Things like how to move, how to attack and the classes. After this, we're ready for the tutorial..

When you're losing your lane, generally the enemy troops will be advanced and will start attack your Tower.

To farm under the tower is simple: 2 hits the tower in Minion Warrior and you  have to attack to kill him. 1 hit the tower in Mage Minion and you have to  attack to kill him. The priority of the tower is Minion Catapult> Minion Warrior> Mage Minion

The only problem here is: When you only have a Dorans Blade, your Basic Attack don't kill the Minion Mage after the Tower's Hit. The minions mages still stay with some life and you don't have time to attack him again, because your Tower will hit him. You don't have Attack Speed enough to Attack twice in  1,5 seconds (The Attack speed of the Tower). Knowing this, you have two options: Ask your support to Attack the Mage Minion before you (If you're an ADC) or Attack the Mage Minion once before the Tower's Hit and once after the Tower's hits.

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